Monday, January 18, 2021

Well I am working on another flipbook animation. No, this is not a part of it. It is simply a snippet from my LAST flipbook animation only this time I used a different app to put all the photos together. 

Dragon and Martin have been my special story for as long as I can remember. They are just my safe place where I can go on adventures, exploring the mysterious woods of Grifmonia Kingdom or flying high with the proud dragons in Draconia Kingdom. 

To say they mean a lot to me is an understatement. These are the stories I escaped to when things were really bad at home or when I felt scared or lonely. 

Personally, Martin is especially close to my heart. He is so gentle and so brave and yet can be so proud and stupid when he isn't thinking clearly. 

Dragon is extremely special to me too. Not only is he my spirit animal, what with all his sarcasm and snarky remarks, but he is also quite selfless which makes me want to be less selfish and more willing to think about others. 

Then there is Badjor of Murkwood Keep. Badjor is the older brother of Martin in an adopted sort of way and his many brothers is a depiction of my own family. Badjor is a pretty epic character too, and so is lady Grifonia who later becomes really awesome and the new Queen of Shadow Forest!


Thursday, August 6, 2020

Hey All!

I've been busy. so you know that Goblin story I was telling you about? well guess what! it's almost finished and it must have over 13,000 words! now, sadly, this was not the goal I had set. I was supposed to write like 450,000 words in 30 days but realized all too soon that a goal like that was insane and too hard to accomplish!!

So far things have been good in my life. There have been some major downs, but that's why I try to ignore it with video making. Hey, that's an idea! you all want to check out my new video? it's another Dragon and Martin cover. 

Anyway, I should probably go. I have a lot to do today. Love you all! God Bless!

Monday, July 6, 2020

Don't Mess With A Goblin!

Hey all. I have a new story!

When Melody Johnson moves into a new house on Merry Lane, she learns quite a scary truth. In the forest, right by her house, there lives a Goblin named Noorb. and he should never be messed with!

After Melody accidentally insults the Goblin and gets on his bad side, things start going quite badly indeed. Melody's bedroom keeps getting trashed. her hands gets more tangled when she tries to brush it. school is horrible and she keeps tripping up or getting bad grades. 

At first Melody believes it is simply bad luck. Then she finds out that Noorb the Goblin is the one behind it all! when you mess with a Goblin, you get bad bad luck. 

to stop the horrid things from happening, Melody must defeat all the bad things that are happening and collect thirteen shards of glass that in due time with trap the Goblin and save her from her cruel fate. 

But will Melody collect all the shards in time? or will the Goblin Noorb win and take everything away from her before she can stop him?

Sunday, June 28, 2020

The End Of A Chapter

Anyone out there??

Well, hello again. How is everyone? going nuts a bit? well, yeah. But God is in control! nobody forget that!!

It comes to the final day at the Osborne house. We have been here for two weeks now and it has been lots of fun. We've learned how to live without a momma and we made our own schedules and...well...didn't sleep! well, I didn't sleep. Daisy duck was here (not at actual duck...she's actually a beagle!) and she likes to wake me up around 5:30am. And that's early!!

We've gone to the river and shared laughs and had just the best time making dinner and planning the days and watering things. Alot of things. :)

I hope only now that things can get better and better!! My whole life is sure to get shinier after this. 

Well, that's it for now. Until next time!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Um...Did I forget?

Yes, people. I did forget. for shame, right? after all, I DID say I would be better about posting. Or did I? I can't remember. 

Well, you should know. Not a lot of things have changed since my last post. Except that maybe in four days I will be able to go home :) house-sitting is hard work!

I have been also working on a new book. (WOW! SHOCKER!) 

Yes, it's new. No, it is not related to Dragon and Martin. I need to let those little guys go. It's been too long that I've been holding onto them. That video I did was the perfect send off. Now I must LEAVE THEM BE!

This new book is about a girl named Melody. And honestly, she's just very unlucky. Her life is kinda sad. Then she meets a mysterious creature in the woods and things start to change for her. However, she should be careful with the friends she makes. Insulting them could get really messy!

Anyhow, thanks for dropping by. It's always nice to share my stories. Until next time!

Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Big Reveal

Hey! I am back again!

Nice to see you all again. Today is video 3. Very short. You have to remember, I was still VERY new to flipbook animation. As I get more into it, things start to work out better and make more sense! 

Thanks for sticking with me. I just posted a big thing on youtube. you can find it here:

Also I will post the same about now! sorry, I just couldn't wait. I am so excited about this!

so I guess you'll get two videos today. Aren't you lucky? lol. 

Told you it was short. and finally...THIS ONE!! wooooot! I am so excited. thanks for coming! it is so nice to share this with you all. It means alot to me <3 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Adventures at Osborne

And I am back! okay, I know nobody commented, but I see that YOU see me, and that is awesome!

Welcome back to my blog. I hope you liked my last one. I have a lot to tell today before I post my next flipbook animation. For starters, I am at another house right now. I am watching over four pets, a dozen plants, and a big yard. There is ALOT of responsibility that goes into taking care of a house. 

an open letter to my parents... | My Student Village from CLV

There's cooking and cleaning to do, along with keeping the dogs from playing and the cats from fighting. one of the doggos has bad arthritis, so she can't really play with the other dog. But the two of them love each other and reeeeeeeally want to play. It is hard to tell them no, but I'd rather that then having the one dog get hurt!

Snoopy Gifs On Giphy Happy Winter Wallpaper For Computer - LowGif

Anyway, it's been busy. But fun! I may go sit in the sunshine and read a book after this. For now, here is the next video for today. Hope you all enjoy it!

Haven't blogged in a while

Well I am working on another flipbook animation. No, this is not a part of it. It is simply a snippet from my LAST flipbook animation only t...